“Dear Allah, I pray that you protect my husband from any harm and keep him safe always.”

“Oh Allah, please safeguard my husband from evil influences and guide him on the right path.”

“Ya Allah, I ask for your divine protection and blessings upon my husband’s health, wellbeing, and happiness.”

“Oh Allah, shield my husband from any temptations or distractions that may lead him astray.”

“Ya Allah, surround my husband with your angels, protecting him from any unforeseen dangers.”

“Dear Allah, I entrust my husband’s safety to you, knowing that only you can truly protect him.”

“Oh Allah, grant my husband strength and resilience to face any challenges he may encounter.”

“Ya Allah, shield my husband’s heart and mind from negativity, granting him peace and tranquility.”

“Dear Allah, please protect my husband from any financial difficulties or hardships.”

“Oh Allah, keep my husband away from all harm, both physical and spiritual.”

“Ya Allah, empower my husband with your wisdom and guidance in making righteous decisions.”

“Dear Allah, keep my husband’s faith strong and protect him from doubt or disbelief.”

“Oh Allah, shield my husband from the negative influence of others, helping him stay steadfast in his beliefs.”

“Ya Allah, protect my husband’s reputation and honor in all aspects of life.”

“Dear Allah, guard my husband’s relationships and bless him with loyal and trustworthy companions.”

“Oh Allah, protect my husband’s career and grant him success in his endeavors.” YOU CAN T MAKE OLD FRIENDS QUOTE

“Ya Allah, protect my husband from any accidents, illnesses, or misfortunes.”

“Dear Allah, I ask you to protect my husband’s mind from anxiety and worry, granting him inner peace.”

“Oh Allah, bless my husband with good health and protect him from any diseases or ailments.”

“Ya Allah, safeguard my husband from any addictions or harmful habits.”

“Dear Allah, keep my husband safe during his travels and bring him back to me unharmed.”

“Oh Allah, protect my husband’s character and integrity, preserving his goodness.”

“Ya Allah, shield my husband from any negative energy or envy others may direct towards him.”

“Dear Allah, protect my husband’s family and loved ones, keeping them safe and healthy.”

“Oh Allah, grant my husband peace and contentment in all aspects of life.”

“Ya Allah, preserve my husband’s dignity and grant him success in all his endeavors.”

“Dear Allah, protect my husband’s heart from any emotional pain or distress.”

“Oh Allah, surround my husband with pious and righteous company, protecting him from bad influences.”

“Ya Allah, protect my husband’s mind and soul from any negative thoughts or temptations.”

“Dear Allah, I place my trust in you to protect my husband in this life and the hereafter.”