“Old Faithful: where even geysers are punctual, unlike my kids.”

“Is it just me, or do the bison here have better fashion sense than me?”

“Who needs a sauna when you can hike up a mountain and instantly sweat out last night’s s’mores?”

“Yellowstone: where the wildlife have better selfie-taking skills than most humans.”

“If a tree falls in Yellowstone and no one’s around to Instagram it, did it even happen?”

“Me: *sees a bear* My brain: ‘Play dead!’ My legs: ‘Good luck, bro!'”

“The only traffic jam I’m happy to sit in is when a herd of bison decides to stroll on the road.”

“Yellowstone: where the mosquitoes are the main residents and humans are just the visitors.”

“Dear weather in Yellowstone, please stop changing your mind more often than a teenager picking an outfit.”

“My hiking boots have seen more bison poop than any boot should ever have to.”

“Camping in Yellowstone: because who needs running water when you can bathe in a river?”

“Yellowstone: where the Wi-Fi is weak, but the connection with nature is strong.”

“If karma exists, then I must have been a mighty mosquito in a past life.”

“Walking through Yellowstone feels like being in a real-life National Geographic documentary, but with more sweat and bug bites.” QUOTES FOR FRIENDSHIP BREAKUP

“If I disappear in Yellowstone, tell my loved ones I went down fighting against the mosquitoes.”

“Yellowstone: the only place where a family vacation can turn into an extreme bear-anoia expedition.”

“Camping in Yellowstone: where you can go from freezing to sweating in a matter of minutes.”

“Being in Yellowstone with kids is like herding bison, except the kids are cuter and louder.”

“Yellowstone wildlife: the original divas of the national park world, refusing to pose for photos unless the lighting is just right.”

“My camping skills go from ‘adventurous wilderness explorer’ to ‘resort-seeking glampster’ in a matter of hours.”

“Forget about finding yourself in Yellowstone, I’m still trying to find my way out of the parking lot.”

“Yellowstone: where getting lost in nature is a legitimate excuse for being late to dinner.”

“The real MVPs of Yellowstone? The park rangers who somehow manage to stay calm while dealing with tourists who’ve never seen a squirrel before.”

“I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m in a real-life ‘Yogi Bear’ movie whenever I see a picnic basket here.”

“If I had a dollar for every time I tripped on a rock in Yellowstone, I could fund the park’s entire budget.”

“Yellowstone: where ‘roughing it’ means choosing between powdered or canned food for dinner.”