“You don’t have to face your battles alone. I’m here to be your shoulder to cry on.”

“Let the tears flow, and know that I am here to listen and support you.”

“When life gets tough, remember that you have someone who will always lend their shoulder for you to cry on.”

“Crying doesn’t make you weak; it shows that you’re human. And I’ll always be here to wipe away your tears.”

“Sometimes, all you need is a kind heart and a shoulder to cry on. You can count on me for both.”

“No matter how hard it gets, I’ll never leave your side. You don’t have to face your pain alone.”

“Your tears are not a burden to me. In fact, they’re a testament to your strength and vulnerability.”

“Feel free to let it all out. The weight of your tears will be shared on my shoulder.”

“There are times in life when all we need is someone to be there and say, ‘It’s okay to cry.’ Consider me that person for you.”

“I may not have all the answers, but I promise to lend you my shoulder whenever you need to cry.”

“Tears are a language that our heart speaks when words fail. You can trust me to understand and provide comfort.”

“Crying is not a sign of weakness, but a release of emotions. I’m here to provide solace during those moments.”

“Don’t ever think you’re alone in your sadness. My shoulder is always here for you.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT BELIEVING

“A heart burdened with sorrow can find solace when shared. Let me be the one to share it with you.”

“When life’s challenges become overwhelming, I’ll be here to gently hold you and let you cry as long as you need.”

“I may not have the power to heal all wounds, but I can be the support you need while you heal. Lean on me when you need to.”

“Your tears are precious to me. They are a reflection of the love and trust you have bestowed upon me.”

“Sometimes, words aren’t enough to mend a broken heart. But my presence and comforting embrace can provide some relief.”

“There’s no shame in reaching out for comfort. Cry on my shoulder and let your tears wash away the pain.”

“I’ll be your safe place, your sanctuary, where you can let go and find solace in the tears that flow.”

“In moments of despair, remember that you’re not alone. I’m here to offer my shoulder as a source of strength and comfort.”

“When life becomes too heavy to bear, remember that you don’t have to carry the weight by yourself. I’m here to share it with you.”

“Tears can bring healing and catharsis. Let me be the one to embrace you as you let them flow freely.”

“We all need someone to hold us together when we feel like falling apart. I’m here to be that steady shoulder for you.”