“Sleep when you’re dead. There’s no time to waste when you’re alive.” – Unknown

“Sleep is for the weak. Live your life to the fullest.” – Unknown

“You can sleep when you’re dead. Until then, live passionately.” – Unknown

“Why sleep when you can dream awake?” – Unknown

“Sleeping is overrated. Life is too short to waste on slumber.” – Unknown

“Live a life that makes you too excited to sleep.” – Unknown

“Sleep is for those who have nothing better to do. Live with purpose.” – Unknown

“Sleeping is for the uninspired. Stay awake and chase your dreams.” – Unknown

“While others sleep, the dreamers keep dreaming.” – Unknown

“You can sleep forever in the afterlife. Make the most of your time here.” – Unknown

“Great minds don’t sleep; they create.” – Unknown

“Sleep is for people who have nothing to chase.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your life away in sleep; make every moment count.” – Unknown

“Sleeping is for average people. Be extraordinary.” – Unknown

“If you want to achieve greatness, you must sacrifice sleep.” – Unknown FATHER SON LOVE QUOTES

“Dreams don’t come true while you’re sleeping; they come true when you’re wide awake.” – Unknown

“Sleeping hours are wasted hours. Embrace every second of your awake time.” – Unknown

“Life is too short for long sleeps. Live intensely while you can.” – Unknown

“Sleep only to rejuvenate, but don’t let it consume your precious time.” – Unknown

“Sleep less, dream more.” – Unknown

“Sleep is for the uninspired souls. Stay awake and create.” – Unknown

“Don’t sleep through life; live it to the fullest.” – Unknown

“While others rest, keep moving forward. Sleep later.” – Unknown

“The world never sleeps, and neither should you. Keep pushing towards your dreams.” – Unknown

“Life doesn’t wait for the sleepy ones. Stay alert and seize the moment.” – Unknown

“Sleep only to recharge, but don’t let it become your ultimate destination.” – Unknown

“Nights are for dreaming, but days are for making those dreams a reality.” – Unknown

“Sleep is for those who aren’t passionate enough to stay awake.” – Unknown