“You can’t buy love, but you can definitely earn it.” – Unknown

“Love is not a commodity that can be purchased; it is a feeling that must be nurtured.” – Unknown

“Money can’t buy love, but it can certainly make the journey more comfortable.” – Unknown

“Love is priceless, and no amount of money can ever match its true value.” – Unknown

“Love is a gift that cannot be purchased, but it can be freely given.” – Unknown

“True love cannot be bought; it must be freely given and received.” – Unknown

“Love is not for sale; it is a precious emotion that cannot be bought with money.” – Unknown

“The best things in life, like love, cannot be bought; they must be earned.” – Unknown

“Money can buy temporary happiness, but real love transcends material wealth.” – Unknown

“Love is not about how much you spend; it’s about how much you give of yourself.” – Unknown

“You can’t put a price on love because its value surpasses any monetary worth.” – Unknown

“True love cannot be found in the aisles of a store; it resides within the hearts of two people.” – Unknown

“Money may buy temporary companionship, but it will never buy true love.” – Unknown

“Love is not a transaction; it’s an exchange of hearts, minds, and souls.” – Unknown URDU LOVE QUOTES WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION

“Love is the only currency that truly matters in this world.” – Unknown

“You can’t buy someone’s heart; you can only hope to win it with genuine love and affection.” – Unknown

“Love is the one thing that money will never be able to purchase.” – Unknown

“Love is not something you can purchase; it is a feeling that must be built and nurtured.” – Unknown

“True love is free, but it requires commitment, loyalty, and selflessness.” – Unknown

“Money may buy material possessions, but it can never buy the depths of love and connection.” – Unknown

“Love cannot be bought because it is an emotional bond that transcends monetary value.” – Unknown

“You can’t buy love, but you can invest in acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding to foster it.” – Unknown

“Love is not about what you can give in terms of material possessions; it’s about giving your heart and soul.” – Unknown

“Love is a priceless gift that cannot be bought, but it should be cherished and nurtured every day.” – Unknown

“The greatest love stories are not written with money but with genuine emotions and selflessness.” – Unknown

“Love is not something that can be bought; it’s something that must be earned through constant effort and understanding.” – Unknown