“If you’re talking behind my back, then you’re in the perfect position to kiss my a**.”

“Talking behind someone’s back only shows your true character, and it’s not pretty.”

“If you can’t say it to my face, then don’t say it at all.”

“Behind my back, I hear everything you say. But it doesn’t matter, because your words can’t define me.”

“Talking behind my back might make you feel superior, but it doesn’t make you right.”

“If you have something to say about me, then grow a backbone and say it to my face.”

“While you whisper behind my back, I’ll be stepping forward and leaving you behind.”

“I’d rather people talk behind my back than pretend to be my friend.”

“Trust me, I’ve heard worse things about myself from better people.”

“If you’re talking behind my back, then you’re in the perfect position to kiss my success.”

“Talking behind my back only proves that you’re afraid to confront the truth.”

“Don’t waste your time talking behind my back. It only shows your bitterness and envy.”

“Your constant gossiping is a reflection of your own insecurities, not of me.”

“If my success bothers you so much, maybe you should just work on your own.”

“Friendly reminder: The people who talk behind my back are the same ones who smile in my face.”

“I’ve learned that those who talk behind your back are exactly where they belong – behind you.” QUOTES ABOUT NOT SETTLING FOR LESS IN A RELATIONSHIP

“If you’re going to talk behind my back, at least have the guts to say it to my face.”

“I’m not here for your approval, so talk all you want. It won’t affect my shine.”

“Real friends discuss things directly, not through the whispers behind closed doors.”

“If you have a problem with me, let’s have an open discussion. Anything else is just childish.”

“Remember, I’m never as bad as you say I am, but I’m also never as good as you think I am.”

“I’d rather focus on my forward progress than waste energy on those who talk behind my back.”

“Talking behind someone’s back is a coward’s way of expressing their own insecurities.”

“I refuse to let your opinions define who I am. Keep talking, it won’t faze me.”

“Hearing what you say about me behind my back only strengthens my determination.”

“Talking behind my back may give you temporary satisfaction, but it won’t bring you happiness.”

“My worth is not determined by the whispers of those who envy me.”

“Every setback you try to throw my way only propels me forward with more resilience.”

“I may be the topic of your conversations, but you’re wasting your time while I’m pursuing my dreams.”

“The only thing more pathetic than talking behind someone’s back is being the one who believes it.”