“You walked away from me without a second thought, leaving me feeling like I meant absolutely nothing to you.”

“You made me believe that I was everything, only to shatter that illusion and leave me feeling like a complete nobody.”

“You discarded me like a piece of trash, leaving me wondering if I ever meant anything to you.”

“You treated me like a temporary placeholder in your life, leaving me feeling worthless and disposable.”

“You played with my emotions, leaving me feeling empty and wondering why I wasn’t enough for you.”

“You left me feeling like a shell of myself, questioning my own worth because you made me feel like nothing.”

“You took my love for granted, leaving me feeling like a fool for investing so much in someone who didn’t value me at all.”

“You left me feeling insignificant, as if I was just another person passing through your life.”

“You walked away from our relationship like it meant nothing, leaving me feeling like all the memories we shared were worthless.”

“You left me feeling like a mere option, when all I wanted was to be someone’s priority.”

“You discarded me so easily, leaving me feeling like I was just a temporary distraction from your own loneliness.”

“You made me question my own worth, leaving me feeling unworthy of love and affection.”

“You made me feel like I wasn’t enough, like I had to constantly prove myself to be worth your time and attention.” QUOTES OF MAKING MEMORIES

“You left me feeling invisible, as if my presence never mattered to you.”

“You left me feeling like I was just another name in your phonebook, easily forgotten and replaced.”

“You left me feeling like I had no value, as if I was completely dispensable to you.”

“You made me believe in a love that was nonexistent, leaving me feeling foolish and broken-hearted.”

“You made me feel like I was easily replaceable, as if someone else could step into my role without you even missing a beat.”

“You left me feeling like I was just a chapter in your story, easily closed and forgotten.”

“You walked away without looking back, leaving me feeling like I was never worth fighting for.”

“You left me feeling like I was nothing more than a passing moment in your life, easily erased from your memory.”

“You made me feel like I was just a temporary fix, leaving me feeling used and discarded.”

“You left me feeling like I was a mistake, like you regretted ever letting me into your life.”

“You left me feeling like a stranger, as if all the love and connection we shared had meant absolutely nothing to you.”