“Your mere presence makes me feel a deep sense of sadness.”

“I can’t help but feel a wave of sadness whenever I’m around you.”

“Whenever we interact, my heart becomes heavy with sadness.”

“You have this ability to bring out a sadness within me that I can’t explain.”

“There’s something about you that makes me feel an overwhelming sadness.”

“You have a way of making me feel so sad, even when I try to be happy.”

“Your words and actions consistently bring sadness into my life.”

“I never realized that someone’s presence alone can make me feel so sad until I met you.”

“Whenever we’re together, a cloud of sadness seems to follow me.”

“I wish I could figure out why your presence brings so much sadness into my heart.”

“There’s a constant sadness that lingers within me when you’re around.”

“Your existence in my life has become synonymous with sadness.”

“No matter how hard I try, you always manage to make me feel sad.”

“Instead of bringing joy into my life, you seem to bring an everlasting sadness.” MOTIVATION WHEN FEELING DOWN QUOTES

“Your actions and behavior have left me in a state of perpetual sadness.”

“I never thought it was possible for someone to make me feel this consistently sad.”

“Being around you feels like an invitation to sadness.”

“You have this power to evoke a profound sense of sadness in me.”

“My heart sinks every time you come around, triggering deep sadness.”

“Whenever we cross paths, a profound sadness fills the air.”

“Your presence reminds me of all the sadness I’ve ever experienced.”

“I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sadness when I’m near you.”

“You carry a sadness within you that inevitably affects those around you, including me.”

“Your words have a way of piercing through my heart and leaving me in a state of sadness.”

“I’ve never met someone who can make me feel this sad without even trying.”

“I wish I could escape this constant feeling of sadness that you bring into my life.”

“You have a knack for making me feel an indescribable sadness every time we interact.”