“You never truly know someone until you’ve walked in their shoes.” – Unknown

“People often show their true colors only when they’re put to the test.” – Unknown

“A person’s true nature can only be revealed through time and actions.” – Unknown

“The true measure of a person’s character is how they treat others when no one is watching.” – Unknown

“It’s easy to love someone’s good side, but to truly know them, you must also understand their flaws.” – Unknown

“Everyone wears a mask; it’s up to you to see beyond it.” – Unknown

“Just when you think you know someone completely, life has a way of surprising you.” – Unknown

“Don’t assume you know someone until you’ve listened to their story.” – Unknown

“People can say anything, but their actions will always speak the truth.” – Unknown

“True character is revealed in times of adversity.” – Unknown

“The closest of friends can often turn out to be strangers in disguise.” – Unknown

“It takes a long journey together to truly know someone’s soul.” – Unknown

“Never assume you fully understand someone’s motives; everyone has their secrets.” – Unknown ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY BUSINESS QUOTES

“Knowing someone is more than just what they say; it’s about understanding their silent moments too.” – Unknown

“Only when you trust someone blindly can you truly know them.” – Paulo Coelho

“To know someone deeply, you must be willing to explore the depths of their heart and mind.” – Unknown

“You can’t judge a book by its cover, and you can’t fully know someone by their appearance or first impressions.” – Unknown

“The more you think you know someone, the less you really do.” – Unknown

“If you want to truly know someone, pay attention to how they treat the people they don’t need anything from.” – Unknown

“Words can deceive, actions cannot.” – Unknown

“Only when someone feels safe enough to be vulnerable with you, can you begin to truly know them.” – Unknown

“A person’s true self is revealed in their darkest moments.” – Unknown

“Don’t trust what you hear; trust what you see and feel.” – Unknown

“To truly know someone, you have to be willing to ask the uncomfortable questions.” – Unknown

“Life is a continuous journey of discovering the depths of the people around us.” – Unknown