“Stop treating me like an option when I treat you like a priority.”

“I deserve to be someone’s first choice, not just an option when they’re bored.”

“If you can’t make me a priority, then don’t make me an option.”

“I am not a backup plan, I am worth more than that.”

“I refuse to settle for being someone’s second choice.”

“I won’t be treated like a convenient option, I deserve to be valued.”

“I am not here to fill in the gaps when you’re lonely, I am here to be loved and respected.”

“No one should have to settle for being anyone’s second best.”

“Don’t keep me around just to boost your ego, I deserve real love and commitment.”

“If I’m not a priority, then don’t expect me to stick around.”

“I won’t be content with just being an option in someone’s life.”

“I am not a toy that you can pick up and put down whenever you feel like it.”

“Being with someone who treats you like an option is worse than being alone.”

“I am deserving of someone who chooses me every day, not just when it’s convenient for them.” INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT LIFE PICS

“I am not here to fulfill someone’s temporary desires, I am here to find genuine love and happiness.”

“Stop treating me like a spare tire, I am not your backup plan.”

“I won’t settle for being on the sidelines of someone’s life, I deserve to be a priority.”

“I am not an option for you to pick and choose when you feel like it.”

“If you can’t make me a priority, then let me go so I can find someone who will.”

“I refuse to be an afterthought in someone’s life, I am worthy of more.”

“I am not just an option, I am a person with feelings and needs.”

“Stop treating me like a convenience store, I am not always open for you.”

“I don’t want to be just another name on your list, I want to be the only one.”

“I don’t deserve to be an option, I deserve to be someone’s first and only choice.”

“Don’t play with my heart by treating me like an option, it’s not fair.”

“I won’t settle for being a backup plan, I deserve someone who sees my worth.”