“It’s funny how you only realize you need someone when they’re no longer there.”

“You may not need me now, but life has a funny way of changing things.”

“Don’t underestimate the value of having someone who truly cares about you.”

“Sometimes we don’t know we need someone until they make our lives better.”

“You may be independent, but everyone needs someone to lean on from time to time.”

“When the storms of life hit, you’ll realize how much you need someone to hold on to.”

“You never know when you’ll need a helping hand, so cherish those who offer it willingly.”

“Don’t take for granted those who have always been there for you; you’ll miss them when they’re gone.”

“When you’re lost, it’s good to have someone who can help you find your way back.”

“Nobody is an island; we all need someone to support us through life’s challenges.”

“Someday, you’ll look back and understand the significance of my presence in your life.”

“Remember, the people who need you now might not always be in the same situation.”

“Appreciate those who are always there for you, because one day, you’ll need support too.”

“Life has a way of humbling us, teaching us that we need others to grow and thrive.”

“You never know when my words of encouragement will become exactly what you need.” QUOTES ABOUT KRISHNA

“Sometimes, it’s the people you least expect who end up being the ones you need the most.”

“When you’re down and out, you’ll realize how much you need someone to lift you up.”

“Don’t push away those who genuinely care; you’ll miss the comfort they provide.”

“In tough times, it’s amazing how much we need someone who can offer a listening ear.”

“You may think you don’t need me, but life has a way of reminding us of our vulnerabilities.”

“Don’t wait until it’s too late to appreciate the people who have always been there for you.”

“We all have moments when we need someone to remind us of our worth.”

“Don’t be afraid to lean on others; sometimes, that’s when you’ll realize how much you need them.”

“Life isn’t meant to be faced alone; we all need someone to rely on.”

“The people who truly care about you are the ones you’ll need most in times of trouble.”

“Never underestimate the impact someone can have on your life until you need them the most.”

“When you’re feeling lost, having someone to guide you can make all the difference.”

“It’s in the moments of darkness that you’ll realize how much you need someone to light your way.”

“Never take for granted the ones who have always been there for you; one day, you’ll need them more than you know.”