“Trust the still, small voice inside you. It knows what is best for you.” – Unknown

“The truth is, your heart always knows what’s right, even if your mind tries to cloud your judgment.” – Unknown

“Listen to your heart; it knows all things, because it came from the soul of the world.” – Paulo Coelho

“The heart knows when something is right; it beats faster, it feels lighter, and it brings a sense of peace.” – Unknown

“The truth spoken from the heart is more powerful than any lie whispered in the mind.” – Unknown

“Deep down, your heart knows the truth, even if your mind tries to deny it.” – Unknown

“Your heart is a compass that always leads you towards the truth, if only you have the courage to follow it.” – Unknown

“The heart knows what the mind has yet to realize.” – Unknown

“Your heart holds the key to your truth; it is up to you to listen and embrace it.” – Unknown

“Let your heart lead you, for it knows the way even when you are lost.” – Unknown

“Trust that the whispers of your heart are the echoes of your soul’s truth.” – Unknown

“Your heart knows the desires of your soul; have faith in its guidance.” – Unknown MOTHER AND DAUGHTER FIGHT QUOTES

“The truth always finds a way to shine through, even if it is hidden away in your heart.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, words can deceive, but the truth in your heart always remains strong.” – Unknown

“Your heart is a mirror that reflects your deepest truths; trust it and let it guide you.” – Unknown

“The truth may be hard to accept, but it is always easier to embrace when it comes from your own heart.” – Unknown

“Your heart carries the wisdom of your experiences, listen to it and honor its truth.” – Unknown

“When in doubt, let your heart be the compass that leads you towards your own truth.” – Unknown

“Your heart will always search for the truth, even when your mind tries to deceive you.” – Unknown

“The truth that resides in your heart is a powerful force that cannot be ignored.” – Unknown

“Your heart knows the way, even when you cannot see the path ahead.” – Unknown

“Trust your heart’s wisdom, for it knows what is best for you in every situation.” – Unknown