“Mom: the person who can find anything you’ve lost!”

“A mother’s love is like a GPS, guiding us through life even when we think we know the way.”

“There’s no one else in the world who can nag me and love me like you do, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“Thanks for being the best alarm clock ever, Mom! I’ll never oversleep with you around.”

“Motherhood: the ultimate unpaid job with the most demanding boss. Thanks for everything, Mom!”

“You’re not just a mom, you’re also my personal therapist, chef, and superhero. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“If you think superheroes are fictional, you clearly haven’t met my mom!”

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mom!”

“Mom, you’re like a microwave: you heat things up, fix everything, and make it all better.”

“Thanks for tolerating my teenage drama and never putting me up for sale on eBay. You’re the best, Mom!”

“Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember, oh yeah, I’m amazing! Thanks for the genes, Mom.”

“Mom, thanks for always being my personal chauffeur. Sorry for all the backseat driving!”

“They say God couldn’t be everywhere, so He created mothers. I guess you must be a superhero, Mom!”

“Mom, I don’t know how you do it all. Please teach me your magical multitasking ways!” FUNNY ANIMAL PHOTOS WITH QUOTES

“Mom, you’re like a walking encyclopedia of random facts. Who needs Google when I have you?”

“They say laughter is the best medicine. Thanks for always keeping me laughing, Mom!”

“Hey Mom, you deserve a standing ovation for putting up with me all these years. Bravo!”

“Mom, you’re the reason I turned out so awesome. Well, genetics might have played a small role too.”

“Motherhood: the most beautiful and exhausting roller coaster ride you’ll ever experience. Thanks for taking me along, Mom!”

“Mom, thanks for giving me the best childhood ever. No wonder I’m so weird!”

“If I had a dollar for every time you made me laugh, Mom, I’d be rich by now!”

“Mom, you’re the queen of multitasking. Teach me your ways so I can rock this mom thing too.”

“Who needs a therapist when they have a mom like you? Thanks for always listening to me vent!”

“Thanks for turning me into a functioning adult, Mom. Even though I still call you for help with laundry!”

“Mom, thanks for not putting me up for adoption during my teenage years. You’re a saint!”

“Here’s to a mother-daughter bond that can withstand anything: including my messy room!”

“Mom, you’re like a magician. You always make everything better with a wave of your love and a sprinkle of your wisdom.”