“A true gentleman is one who puts others before himself.”

“Being polite and kind never goes out of style.”

“Manners maketh the man.”

“Chivalry is not dead, it’s just harder to find.”

“A gentleman never underestimates the power of a sincere compliment.”

“Courage and humility are the hallmarks of a true gentleman.”

“A gentleman always takes responsibility for his actions.”

“A gentleman knows when to apologize, even if he is not entirely at fault.”

“Integrity is the foundation of a gentleman’s character.”

“A true gentleman doesn’t need to prove his masculinity.”

“A gentleman knows how to control his anger and speak with tact and diplomacy.”

“Gentlemen raise others up, rather than tearing them down.” I PROMISE YOU I WILL QUOTES

“A gentleman doesn’t need a title to earn respect.”

“A true gentleman values the opinions and ideas of others.”

“A gentleman is not defined by his possessions, but by his actions.”

“A gentleman treats all people with respect, regardless of their status or background.”

“A gentleman listens more than he speaks.”

“Actions speak louder than words, and a gentleman’s actions are always honorable.”

“Gentlemen are steady and reliable, never wavering in their commitment.”

“A gentleman knows how to maintain a sense of humor, even in difficult situations.”

“A gentleman values honesty and always speaks the truth, even when it’s not easy.”

“A true gentleman inspires and uplifts those around him.”