“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” – Helen Keller

“Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” – Rabindranath Tagore

“Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.” – Max Lucado

“Faith is the art of holding onto things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances.” – C.S. Lewis

“Faith is about trusting God when you have unanswered questions.” – Joel Osteen

“Faith is the strength to stand, knowing that you are not alone.” – Anonymous

“Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.” – A.W. Tozer

“Faith is not the absence of doubt, but the presence of belief.” – Anonymous

“Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.” – William Newton Clarke

“Faith is the foundation of all change, the power behind all miracles.” – Anonymous

“Faith is like electricity. You can’t see it, but you can see the light.” – Anonymous

“Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness.” – Anonymous

“Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.” – Unknown

“Faith is not believing that God can, it’s knowing that He will.” – Ben Stein SHORT QUOTES ABOUT PARENTS LOVE

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1

“Faith is like a muscle. It must be exercised to grow stronger.” – William Arthur Ward

“Faith is the key that unlocks the doors of impossibility.” – Anonymous

“Faith is the light that guides us through the darkest times.” – Anonymous

“Faith is not the absence of fear, it’s the presence of courage.” – Unknown

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen.” – Unknown

“Faith is not a feeling, it’s a choice to trust in God’s promises.” – Unknown

“Faith is the bridge between where I am and the place God is calling me to be.” – Unknown

“Faith doesn’t always mean knowing what’s next, but trusting that God does.” – Unknown

“Faith is the only thing that makes sense in a world that often doesn’t.” – Unknown

“Faith is believing that God is always working for our good, even in the toughest times.” – Unknown

“Faith is the anchor that keeps us steady in the storms of life.” – Unknown

“Faith is the currency of heaven; it’s what moves mountains and changes lives.” – Unknown

“Faith is not about everything turning out okay, it’s about being okay no matter how things turn out.” – Unknown