“I am neither good nor bad, I am both and everything in between.”

“Being good or bad is a matter of perspective, choose your own narrative.”

“The line between good and bad is blurred; we are all shades of gray.”

“The worst sins are committed in the name of righteousness.”

“Sometimes doing bad things for good reasons is the only option.”

“Goodness without the capacity for darkness is mere naivety.”

“Bad choices don’t define us, it’s the lessons we learn from them that matter.”

“Goodness is not an inherent trait, it’s a constant choice we make.”

“The world isn’t divided into good people and Death Eaters.”

“We are all capable of good and bad, it’s what we choose to act upon that defines us.”

“Goodness grows from acknowledging our own darkness and striving for better.”

“Being good or bad is a reflection of our actions, not our intentions.”

“The measure of a person’s soul is not their deeds alone, but their capacity for redemption.”

“The path to goodness is paved with the awareness of our own potential for evil.” OUTSTANDING QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Goodness is not always desirable, and sometimes bad actions can have righteous outcomes.”

“Our ability to choose between good and bad is what separates us from mere creatures.”

“Goodness is not perfection; it’s the constant effort to improve ourselves.”

“There is a bit of bad in every good, and a hint of good in every bad.”

“In the end, the villain and the hero are but two sides of the same coin.”

“Being good doesn’t mean being flawless; it means acknowledging and learning from our mistakes.”

“The world needs a balance of good and bad, for it is in contrasts that growth occurs.”

“Goodness is not inherent; it’s a result of continuous self-reflection and improvement.”

“No one is purely good or bad; we exist in a constant state of flux.”

“The road to becoming good is paved with acceptance of our own shortcomings.”

“We can’t truly appreciate the light without experiencing the darkness.”

“Being good in a world full of darkness is a courageous act of defiance.”

“Good and bad are labels we create; in reality, we are all a complex blend of both.”