“I may not see them every day, but they are always in my heart.”

“Distance may separate us, but love knows no boundaries.”

“My grandkids bring a sparkle to my eyes and joy to my heart.”

“Being a grandparent is like having a piece of heaven in your arms.”

“Every time I think of my grandkids, it brings a smile to my face.”

“Missing my grandkids always tugs at my heartstrings.”

“They may be far away, but they are never far from my thoughts.”

“Life feels incomplete without the laughter of my grandkids.”

“Having grandkids makes me cherish every moment we spend together.”

“There’s a special kind of love that only a grandparent can understand.”

“My grandkids fill my life with happiness, even when they’re not around.”

“No matter the distance, the bond between grandkids and grandparents remains unbreakable.” GEORDIE SHORE QUOTES

“Missing my grandkids is a constant reminder of how lucky I am to have them.”

“Their laughter echoes in my mind, even when they’re miles away.”

“I count down the days until I can hold my grandkids in my arms again.”

“Grandkids make every day brighter, even from afar.”

“Missing my grandkids is a bittersweet feeling because it means I have so much love for them.”

“Their absence creates an ache in my heart that only their presence can heal.”

“Sometimes, all I need is a picture or a phone call from my grandkids to brighten my day.”

“Being a grandparent means missing them even when they’re just in the next room.”

“There’s an emptiness that only my grandkids can fill when they’re not around.”

“Missing my grandkids is a reminder to cherish the moments we have together.”

“The love between grandkids and grandparents is a connection that can never be broken, no matter how much we miss each other.”