“Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle. The end of one journey is the beginning of the next.” – Joseph M. Marshall III

“In the circle of life, it’s the wheel of fortune. It’s the leap of faith, it’s the band of hope.” – Tim Rice

“Life is full of cycles. Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down. But in the end, we always come back around.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle, what goes around comes around. The energy you put out into the world will eventually come back to you.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle. What goes around, comes around. Keep your circle positive, peaceful, and loving.” – Unknown

“What goes around comes around. Life is a circle. Keep your circle positive.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle; you come back to the same place eventually. Make sure the place you come back to is one you’re proud of.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, and everything in between. Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad ones.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle. We meet people, we love them, we let them go. But the memories remain, forever etched in our hearts.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle, constantly changing and evolving. Embrace the changes and grow along with them.” – Unknown

“Life is a continuous journey, like a circle that never ends. Embrace each moment and make it count.” – Unknown HEART WRENCHING QUOTES

“Life is like a circle of lessons. Each experience brings new knowledge and understanding.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle of choices. Every decision we make leads us down a different path.” – Unknown

“Life is a cycle; what goes around, comes around. Treat others with kindness and respect, because you never know when you’ll need it in return.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle; we often find ourselves back where we started. The key is to appreciate the journey and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, but eventually, you’ll come full circle.” – Unknown

“Life is a journey that takes us in circles. Enjoy the ride and embrace the changes.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle. Every ending is just a new beginning. Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle; what you put out will come back to you. Fill the circle with love, kindness, and positivity.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle of experiences. Each one teaches us something new and helps us grow.” – Unknown

“Life is like a circle; we often end up where we started, but with new perspectives and lessons learned.” – Unknown

“Life is a circle, and the choices we make determine where we end up. Choose wisely and trust the journey.” – Unknown