“God’s plan is always better, even when it feels like everything is falling apart.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we have to let go of our own plans and trust that God has something better in store for us.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is like a treasure hunt, sometimes we have to go through the valleys to find the hidden gems.” – Unknown

“When things don’t go according to our plans, it’s a reminder that God has a better plan.” – Unknown

“God’s plan for your life will always be greater than the disappointments you face along the way.” – Unknown

“Trust in God’s timing, for His plan is always better than ours.” – Unknown

“God has a better plan, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. Trust in Him.” – Unknown

“Remember, God’s plans are perfect. Sometimes what we think is best for us is nothing compared to what He has in store.” – Unknown

“Trust in God’s plan, for He knows what is best for you even when you can’t see it.” – Unknown

“In every setback, remember that God has a setup for something better.” – Unknown

“When God closes a door, it’s because He has a better plan and a bigger purpose.” – Unknown

“God’s plan may not always make sense, but it always leads to something better.” – Unknown

“Trust in the Lord’s plan, for His way is always better than ours.” – Unknown

“God’s plan may require patience, but it will always bring blessings beyond measure.” – Unknown

“God’s plan for your life is far greater than anything you can imagine.” – Unknown FUNNY PERSISTENCE QUOTES

“God always has a plan, even when we can’t see it or understand it.” – Unknown

“God’s plan for your life is not about reaching a destination, but about the journey of becoming who He designed you to be.” – Unknown

“Sometimes God’s redirection is a blessing in disguise, leading us to a better path than we ever imagined.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is like a tapestry, weaving together all the threads of our life to create something beautiful.” – Unknown

“When God’s plans take a detour, remember that He knows the shortcuts and will guide you to a better way.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is always better, even when it means letting go of what we thought we wanted.” – Unknown

“Don’t be discouraged by detours on your journey, for God’s plan is to lead you to something even greater.” – Unknown

“God’s plan may require us to trust Him in the dark, but he promises to lead us to the light.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is never late; it’s always right on time.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is like a puzzle; sometimes we just can’t see the bigger picture until all the pieces come together.” – Unknown

“God’s plan is not always the easiest path, but it’s the one that will lead us to true fulfillment and joy.” – Unknown

“When we surrender our plans to God, He can work wonders beyond our imagination.” – Unknown

“God’s plan may not always align with our desires, but His way is always the best way.” – Unknown

“Trust that God’s plan for your life is far better than anything you could have planned yourself.” – Unknown