“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” – Unknown

“Don’t be fooled by appearances; if it looks like a duck but barks like a dog, chances are it’s not a duck.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, things are exactly what they seem – if it looks like a duck, it probably is a duck.” – Unknown

“When faced with uncertainty, trust your instincts – if it looks like a duck, trust that it is indeed a duck.” – Unknown

“Appearances can be deceiving, but sometimes, they reveal the truth – if it looks like a duck, it just might be a duck.” – Unknown

“Deep down, we all have an innate ability to recognize authenticity – if it looks like a duck, our instincts will tell us it is a duck.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, simplicity is the key to understanding – if it looks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” – Unknown

“In a world of uncertainty, learn to trust your observations – if it looks like a duck, it’s likely a duck.” – Unknown

“If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and feels like a duck, then it is most definitely a duck.” – Unknown

“Don’t dismiss the obvious – if it looks like a duck, don’t try to convince yourself it’s something else.” – Unknown

“Appearance is the first indicator of truth – if it looks like a duck, don’t doubt its nature.” – Unknown

“Often, the most straightforward explanation is the correct one – if it looks like a duck, there’s a good chance it is.” – Unknown

“Simplicity can be a great detective – if it looks like a duck, don’t complicate the situation.” – Unknown

“Trust your instincts; they know more than you think – if it looks like a duck, trust that it is one.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the simplest answer is also the correct one – if it looks like a duck, it is a duck.” – Unknown

“Appearances can hold great wisdom – if it looks like a duck, it’s probably telling you something.” – Unknown ANNE FRANK QUOTE GOOD AT HEART

“The truth often lies in the obvious – if it looks like a duck, don’t overlook its message.” – Unknown

“When logic points in one direction, it’s best not to fight it – if it looks like a duck, accept that it is one.” – Unknown

“In a world full of illusion, learn to trust your judgement – if it looks like a duck, it’s a duck.” – Unknown

“Don’t second-guess the obvious – if it looks like a duck, just accept it for what it is.” – Unknown

“Don’t let doubt cloud your perception – if it looks like a duck, embrace the truth.” – Unknown

“Trusting your senses can lead you to the truth – if it looks like a duck, it surely is one.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the answer is right in front of us – if it looks like a duck, there’s no denying it.” – Unknown

“Overthinking can lead to unnecessary confusion – if it looks like a duck, don’t overcomplicate things.” – Unknown

“Trust your intuition – if it looks like a duck, have faith in what your gut tells you.” – Unknown

“Don’t dismiss the obvious; it might be exactly what it appears to be – if it looks like a duck, accept that it is.” – Unknown

“Honesty often lies hidden in plain sight – if it looks like a duck, don’t doubt its authenticity.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the only one that matters – if it looks like a duck, don’t search for complications.” – Unknown

“Ignore the distractions and focus on the truth – if it looks like a duck, don’t let doubts cloud your vision.” – Unknown

“When in doubt, go back to basics – if it looks like a duck, trust in your common sense.” – Unknown