“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” – Kahlil Gibran

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” – Coco Chanel

“True beauty lies within, no matter what you look like on the outside.” – Kourtney Kardashian

“Beauty is not about having a perfect body; it is about having a beautiful soul.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about being the fairest; it is about enhancing what you already have.” – Unknown

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes.” – Sophia Loren

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light that shines from a woman’s eyes.” – Audrey Hepburn

“Beauty is not about having a perfect face; it is about having a mind and heart filled with kindness and compassion.” – Unknown

“Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin.” – Unknown

“True beauty is not about perfection; it is about embracing your uniqueness.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about being flawless; it is about being real.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT WEIGHTLOSS

“Beauty is not about size; it is about confidence.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about fitting into societal standards; it is about being authentic.” – Unknown

“True beauty is not about the shape of your body or the color of your hair, but the radiance of your soul.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about following trends; it is about staying true to yourself.” – Unknown

“Beauty is about being the best possible version of yourself, inside and out.” – Unknown

“Beauty is about accepting yourself just as you are, flaws and all.” – Unknown

“True beauty is not about how others perceive you; it is about how you perceive yourself.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not about having a certain physical appearance; it is about having a beautiful heart and soul.” – Unknown

“Real beauty is not about what others see, but about what you see when you look in the mirror.” – Unknown