“May the coming year bring you good fortune and prosperity. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you and your family a joyful and prosperous Chinese New Year!”

“As the lunar year begins, may it bring you new opportunities and great success. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May your year be filled with abundant blessings and endless happiness. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you and your loved ones health, wealth, and happiness in the Year of the Ox. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May your dreams come true and your spirits be uplifted in the Year of the Rat. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May your path be illuminated with good fortune and your heart be filled with joy. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you a prosperous and fulfilling Year of the Dragon. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May the Year of the Snake bring you good luck and happiness in all your endeavors. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May the Year of the Horse gallop with prosperity and success. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you a harmonious and joyful Year of the Sheep. Happy Chinese New Year!” QUOTES ABOUT NEVER FORGETTING WHERE YOU CAME FROM

“May the Year of the Monkey bring laughter, joy, and good fortune into your life. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you a prosperous and successful Year of the Rooster. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May the Year of the Dog bring you loyalty, happiness, and good health. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you a prosperous and abundant Year of the Pig. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May the Year of the Rat bring you abundance in wealth, health, and happiness. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you a year filled with strength, courage, and determination. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“As we bid farewell to the old year, may the new year bring fresh beginnings and endless possibilities. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May the lanterns of the Chinese New Year light up your path to success and happiness. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Wishing you longevity, good fortune, and fulfillment of all your wishes. Happy Chinese New Year!”