“A strong relationship with God makes for strong relationships with others.” – Unknown

“A couple that prays together, stays together.” – Unknown

“The closer we are to God, the closer we are to each other.” – Unknown

“God is the foundation of our relationship, love is the glue that holds us together.” – Unknown

“Our love for each other is a reflection of God’s love for us.” – Unknown

“In every season of our relationship, God is there, guiding us and growing us.” – Unknown

“When we put God first in our relationship, everything falls into place.” – Unknown

“God brought us together, and with Him, there is nothing we can’t overcome.” – Unknown

“A couple who seeks God’s will together will always find their way.” – Unknown

“With God at the center, our love becomes unbreakable.” – Unknown

“Having God as our foundation, we can weather any storm that comes our way.” – Unknown

“God’s love is what sustains us, and in turn, our love for each other.” – Unknown

“God’s grace fills the gaps in our relationship, making us whole.” – Unknown THE BEST QUOTES EVER WRITTEN

“God is the third strand in our cord, making it unbreakable.” – Unknown

“Our relationship with God is the greatest love story we’ll ever know.” – Unknown

“When we trust God’s timing, everything falls into place in our relationship.” – Unknown

“God blesses those who love and honor each other in their relationship.” – Unknown

“Our love for each other becomes a testament to God’s love for us.” – Unknown

“With God as our guide, we can achieve the impossible in our relationship.” – Unknown

“We give thanks to God each day for the gift of our relationship.” – Unknown

“Our relationship with God is the anchor that keeps us grounded, no matter what.” – Unknown

“God’s love is the fuel that keeps our relationship burning bright.” – Unknown

“A relationship centered on God is a relationship built to last.” – Unknown

“Our love story is written by God, and it is the most beautiful story we could ever tell.” – Unknown