“That’s the wonderful thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” – Ella Enchanted

“Sometimes life is a series of obstacles, a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, she realizes, most times, she is just lucky to be able to do that.” – Ella Enchanted

“If you’ve ever been awakened from a deep sleep by a shrilling, piercing, inconsiderate alarm clock, you’ll know how God felt when he created humans.” – Ella Enchanted

“Magic sets you apart. It lets you see the beauty and wonder in the world. It makes you feel special. Never lose that, Ella.” – Ella Enchanted

“Gifts are not presents, but promises.” – Ella Enchanted

“The only way to break the curse is by the power vested in them by the fairy Lucinda, and the only way to reach that power is to find the book called the Gifts of Lucinda.” – Ella Enchanted

“I guess sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later.” – Ella Enchanted

“She was my secret. My promise. My reason. To lose her will have me losing a piece of myself.” – Ella Enchanted

“If anybody had ever told me I’d be locked in a closet somewhere far away from the very best day of my life… I would’ve thought they were crazy.” – Ella Enchanted

“I want to experience everything the world has to offer. I want to be fully alive!” – Ella Enchanted

“You could rattle the stars,” she whispered. “You could do anything, if you only dared.” – Ella Enchanted

“To survive and thrive in this world, you must have a brave heart.” – Ella Enchanted

“How could I have spent my life watching from the outside, wanting to be a part of it, but never daring to take the leap?” – Ella Enchanted

“True love’s kiss is more powerful than any curse.” – Ella Enchanted

“Take a leap of faith, and let your heart guide you to where you’re meant to be.” – Ella Enchanted

“Life is unpredictable, Ella. We can’t control everything, no matter how much we wish we could.” – Ella Enchanted QUOTES ABOUT NEVER LETTING GO OF SOMEONE YOU LOVE

“Sometimes the bravest thing a person can do is to follow their own heart.” – Ella Enchanted

“A true queen protects her kingdom with love and compassion, not with fear and power.” – Ella Enchanted

“True beauty lies within one’s heart, not in their outward appearance.” – Ella Enchanted

“Happiness is not something you have to deserve. It’s something you choose to be.” – Ella Enchanted

“There is power in being true to oneself, even if it means facing difficult choices and challenges.” – Ella Enchanted

“The real magic lies in the strength of our own hearts and the choices we make.” – Ella Enchanted

“Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting despite the fear.” – Ella Enchanted

“The world is full of possibilities if we dare to dream and take action.” – Ella Enchanted

“Love is the most powerful force in the universe; it can conquer any curse.” – Ella Enchanted

“Sometimes, the greatest adventure lies in discovering who we truly are.” – Ella Enchanted

“We are not defined by our circumstances, but by our choices and actions.” – Ella Enchanted

“Never underestimate the power of friendship and the bonds we create.” – Ella Enchanted

“A happy ending isn’t always about getting what you want, but about finding peace and acceptance.” – Ella Enchanted

“We are all born with the potential for greatness. It is up to us to unlock it.” – Ella Enchanted