“France has always been a country with tremendous history and culture. It has a great legacy and it is home to some of the most beautiful places in the world.” – Nicolas Sarkozy

“France is the most beautiful country in the world. I travel a lot, but I always come back to France.” – Alain Ducasse

“France is like a good baguette – crusty on the outside and soft on the inside.” – Anthony Bourdain

“To err is human, to loaf is Parisian.” – Victor Hugo

“France is the country where the arts are respected and where they contribute the most fervently to the grandeur of a nation.” – Charles de Gaulle

“France has nourished me spiritually, and now I want to give something back.” – Yannick Noah

“France is the country where the soul of the filmmaker succumbs to the technician.” – Jean-Luc Godard

“To know Paris is to know a great deal.” – Henry Miller

“France is magic! It enchants you and never lets you go.” – Brad Pitt

“France is the country where one spends the most amusing moments and the bitterest hours.” – Honoré de Balzac

“France is the country of pleasure and those who are reluctant to indulge are missing life’s true zest.” – Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin WISDOM QUOTES LIFE LESSONS INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT LIFE AND STRUGGLES

“France has a unique ability to make simplicity an incredible luxury.” – François Hollande

“France is not just a country, it’s a state of mind.” – André Malraux

“France is a place where the soul of an artist can find solace and inspiration.” – Edith Piaf

“France is a feast, but France is also a battlefield.” – Julia Child

“France is the country where it is easiest to speak and hardest to be silent.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

“France is the country that gave birth to freedom, equality, and fraternity.” – Simone Veil

“France is a symphony that never ends.” – George Sand

“Visiting Paris is like floating on a cloud; it’s a dream that never ends.” – Audrey Hepburn

“France is the place where you can fall in love with life again.” – Ernest Hemingway

“France is a country where the senses are celebrated and where beauty is worshipped.” – Coco Chanel