“I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.” – Chandler Bing

“I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” – Chandler Bing

“How you doin’?” – Joey Tribbiani

“We were ON A BREAK!” – Ross Geller

“They don’t know that we know they know we know.” – Phoebe Buffay

“Pivot, pivot, pivot!” – Ross Geller

“I’m not even sorry. I’m just a big, numb-nutted booger-head with no rhythm.” – Phoebe Buffay

“Could I BE wearing any more clothes?” – Joey Tribbiani

“If I’m not back in five minutes, wait longer.” – Joey Tribbiani

“Smelly cat, smelly cat, what are they feeding you?” – Phoebe Buffay

“I used to be an outcast in society, but now I’ve moved up to leper.” – Chandler Bing

“I’m not good at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” – Chandler Bing

“Oh. My. God.” – Janice Litman-Goralnik

“I’m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!” – Chandler Bing QUOTES SYMPATHY DEATH LOVED ONE

“Unagi is a state of total awareness. Only by achieving true unagi can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.” – Ross Geller

“I’m curvy and I like it. I’m not going to lose it.” – Monica Geller

“I am not good with advice. Can I offer you a sarcastic comment instead?” – Chandler Bing

“I am one of the few people who looks hot eating a cupcake.” – Rachel Green

“You know, I’m not gonna go. I’m not gonna go because there’s a woman outside with three kids. I mean, unless she’s a hooker looking for a baby sitter, I’m busted.” – Phoebe Buffay

“It’s so weird. I can always sense when a woman is pregnant. And I can always tell when someone has pie.” – Phoebe Buffay

“You don’t own a TV? What’s all your furniture pointed at?” – Joey Tribbiani

“I’m Chandler. I make jokes when I’m uncomfortable.” – Chandler Bing

“I would have to say a weekend in Las Vegas with you two would have to be number four.” – Joey Tribbiani

“I can handle it. Handle’s my middle name. Actually, handle’s the middle of my first name.” – Chandler Bing

“I’m not afraid to use a mean tone.” – Monica Geller

“Everybody has somebody for them, you know? And eventually, you’ll find your Joey. Someone to love.” – Phoebe Buffay