“Congratulations on making it through a quarter of a century at work without getting caught!”

“Here’s to 25 years of pretending to work while actually organizing your desk.”

“Happy 25th work anniversary! You deserve an award for successfully avoiding all office drama.”

“Cheers to 25 years of finding creative ways to avoid doing actual work.”

“Congratulations on reaching 25 years of pretending to be busy while actually scrolling through social media.”

“Happy work anniversary! You’ve managed to survive a quarter of a century of awkward office parties and terrible coffee.”

“Here’s to your 25th work anniversary! May the next 25 years be filled with increased vacation days and fewer meetings.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of making the office a better place by simply not quitting.”

“Happy work anniversary! You’ve managed to fool everyone for a whole 25 years.”

“Cheers to 25 years of avoiding work with remarkable skill and finesse.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of pretending to understand what your coworkers are saying during meetings.”

“Happy 25th work anniversary! You’ve successfully transformed procrastination into an art form.”

“Here’s to 25 years of dedication to avoiding all the office’s mandatory team-building activities.” QUOTES ABOUT RESTAURANT FOOD

“Congratulations on 25 years of impressively nodding along during conference calls without actually listening.”

“Happy work anniversary! You’ve gracefully mastered the skill of looking busy while doing absolutely nothing.”

“Cheers to 25 years of surviving office politics with your sanity (mostly) intact.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of making your coworkers wonder how you manage to sneak out early every day.”

“Happy 25th work anniversary! May your next quarter-century be filled with even more lunch breaks and power naps.”

“Here’s to 25 years of showing up to work just to collect a paycheck, and we’re not mad about it.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of successfully avoiding any actual work-related achievements.”

“Happy work anniversary! You’ve reached the stage of expertise that allows you to delegate everything and do practically nothing.”

“Cheers to 25 years of somehow managing to look busy while secretly watching Netflix at your desk.”

“Congratulations on 25 years of perfectly timed bathroom breaks and coffee runs.”

“Happy 25th work anniversary! You’ve become the master of appearing productive while actually sneaking in online shopping.”

“Here’s to 25 years of creatively avoiding your actual job description. Your skills are truly unmatched!”