“A friend in need is a friend to be suspicious of.” – Eddie Cantor

“Fake friends: Once they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.”

“Fake friends are like shadows, always there during the brightest moments but nowhere to be seen during the darkest times.”

“Fake friends are like plastic flowers, they look pretty, but they don’t bloom.”

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they fall off when the season changes.”

“Fake friends are like stars, you can only see them when it’s dark.”

“Fake friends: They’re like a bad movie, pretending to be real but you can see right through them.”

“A fake friend and a shadow have one thing in common – they follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.”

“Fake friends are like winter clothes, they only show up when you’re really in need.”

“A fake friend is like a dollar store version of a friend, they’re cheap and never last.”

“Fake friends: the ones who smile in your face and stab you in the back when you turn around.”

“Fake friends are like bad WiFi signals, hard to connect with and always weak in crucial moments.”

“Fake friends are like a mirage, they seem real but disappear when you get closer.” THE ODYSSEY BOOK 10 QUOTES

“A fake friend is like a loudspeaker, always making noise but never saying anything of value.”

“Fake friends are like expired milk, they might look good on the outside but they’ll make you sick on the inside.”

“Fake friends are like a broken pencil, pointless.”

“Fake friends: they’re like a puzzle with missing pieces, never quite fitting in.”

“A fake friend is like a sponge, soaking up all the good but never giving anything back.”

“Fake friends are like a leaking umbrella, they offer no protection when you need them the most.”

“Fake friends are like lava lamps, they may look cool, but they’re really just full of hot air.”

“A fake friend is like a broken promise, empty and disappointing.”

“Fake friends are like parking tickets, annoying and completely unwelcome.”

“Fake friends: they’re like a bad TV show, you try to watch it for a while but eventually, you have to change the channel.”

“A fake friend is like a broken record, playing the same tune over and over again but never really progressing.”

“Fake friends are like a counterfeit bill, worthless and deceptive.”