“Social work: Because life isn’t always kittens and rainbows.”

“You know you’re a social worker when you consider coffee a food group.”

“Social work: Therapy for the therapist.”

“I’m a social worker, I can’t fix stupid.”

“Being a social worker means having the patience of a saint and the mouth of a sailor.”

“Social work: Where sarcasm meets compassion.”

“I became a social worker so I could legally tell people to get their sh*t together.”

“Social work: Making the world a better place, one case at a time.”

“You know you’re a social worker when your friends come to you for free therapy.”

“Social work: The art of juggling empathy and boundaries.”

“If only social work paid in wine, I’d be a billionaire.”

“Social work: Proof that superheroes don’t always wear capes.”

“I have a therapist, but my social worker gets me.” SELF RESPECT IN RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“The only thing harder than being a social worker is pretending to care when someone says, ‘have a nice day.'”

“Social work is a balancing act between wanting to save the world and wanting to flip a table.”

“Flexibility is a social worker’s best friend, especially when it comes to dealing with bureaucracy.”

“Social work: Where miracles happen on a daily basis, and paperwork never ends.”

“Sometimes I question my sanity, and then I remember I chose social work as a career.”

“Social work: Changing lives one referral at a time.”

“I’m a social worker, so technically I’m allowed to give you ‘the look.'”

“Social work: Because normal jobs just didn’t have enough drama.”

“Coffee is the fuel that powers social workers, along with dark humor.”

“Social work: Where your job description includes being a miracle worker.”

“The best part of being a social worker is when you don’t need Google to diagnose someone with ‘crazy.'”

“Social work: Helping people navigate the messy maze of life, and pretending like you have it all figured out.”