“God can heal a broken heart, but you need to give Him all the pieces.” – Unknown

“God is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18

“God heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18

“God’s love is the ultimate balm for a broken heart.” – Unknown

“God can mend what is broken and restore what is lost.” – Unknown

“Let God’s love heal the pain in your heart and fill the void with hope.” – Unknown

“When the world gives you pain, God can give you peace.” – Unknown

“In your brokenness, place your heart in God’s hands and let Him heal it.” – Unknown

“Finding healing starts with surrendering your brokenness to God.” – Unknown

“God understands your pain and is ready to heal your heart if you let Him.” – Unknown

“God can mend a broken heart, but first you need to trust Him with the pieces.” – Unknown

“God’s healing begins where our strength ends.” – Corrie Ten Boom

“Give God your broken heart and He will give you a heart full of love and healing.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT SHORT TEMPER

“God can turn your pain into purpose and your wounds into wisdom.” – Unknown

“From brokenness to wholeness, trust that God can heal your heart.” – Unknown

“No situation is too broken for God’s healing touch.” – Unknown

“The same God who created your heart can heal it.” – Unknown

“God’s healing power extends to the deepest wounds of the heart.” – Unknown

“When your heart is broken, let God be the one to heal and mend it.” – Unknown

“God’s healing begins when we surrender our brokenness and trust His plan.” – Unknown

“God can heal the deepest wounds in your heart if you let Him.” – Unknown

“With God, broken hearts can be made whole again.” – Unknown

“God’s healing power is greater than any pain you may feel in your heart.” – Unknown

“Trust that God can turn your broken heart into a masterpiece.” – Unknown

“God’s love has the power to heal even the most shattered hearts.” – Unknown