“I choose the broken, the weary, and the lost to showcase my power and grace.” – God

“In your brokenness, I will mold you into something beautiful.” – God

“I use broken vessels to reveal my strength and love in the midst of adversity.” – God

“Your scars and cracks are not signs of weakness but reminders of my healing and restoration.” – God

“It is through your brokenness that I can shine my light the brightest.” – God

“I can take your shattered pieces and create a masterpiece of redemption and hope.” – God

“I use broken vessels to demonstrate that my strength is made perfect in weakness.” – God

“You may feel broken, but remember that your brokenness is an opportunity for my power to be displayed.” – God

“Do not despise your brokenness, for it is in your brokenness that I will make you whole.” – God

“My love and grace are not reserved for the perfect; they are poured out abundantly on the broken.” – God

“When you feel broken beyond repair, remember that I am the ultimate healer and restorer.” – God

“I can turn your greatest pain into your greatest purpose.” – God BEST LIFE QUOTES MOTIVATION

“Your brokenness is not a limitation but an invitation for me to work miracles in your life.” – God

“I use broken vessels to inspire others and bring glory to my name.” – God

“Your brokenness is the catalyst for my transformative power to work in your life.” – God

“In your brokenness, I will show you the depth of my love and the extent of my grace.” – God

“I am drawn to the brokenhearted and the crushed in spirit, for I can lift them up and make them whole.” – God

“Your brokenness does not disqualify you from my plans; it positions you to walk in greater purpose.” – God

“I can turn your broken dreams into a beautiful reality.” – God

“Your brokenness is not the end of your story; it is the beginning of my redemption in your life.” – God

“When you feel broken, remember that I am with you, holding you together and carrying you through.” – God

“Your brokenness is a canvas on which I can paint a masterpiece of restoration and healing.” – God

“I choose the broken vessels to demonstrate the power of my love and the beauty of my redemption.” – God