“Love can be painful, but it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.”

“Sometimes love hurts, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth fighting for.”

“Love is a risk that can result in heartbreak, but it’s a risk worth taking.”

“Love can leave scars, but those scars are a testament to the strength of our hearts.”

“When love hurts, it’s a reminder that we have the capacity to feel deeply.”

“Love can cause pain, but it also has the power to heal.”

“Love doesn’t always give us what we want, but it gives us what we need.”

“Sometimes the greatest love stories are the ones that end in heartbreak.”

“Love can be a battlefield, but the fight is what makes it meaningful.”

“The pain of love is temporary; the lessons it brings are eternal.”

“Love is a delicate balance between joy and sorrow.” QUOTES ABOUT LIFE IN URDU ENGLISH

“True love requires vulnerability, which can leave us susceptible to heartache.”

“Love is not always fair, but it teaches us valuable lessons about ourselves.”

“Heartbreak is not the end of love, but a stepping stone towards growth.”

“Love can be painful, but it also holds the power to transform us.”

“In love, there is beauty in both the pleasure and the pain.”

“Love is not a straight path; it’s filled with twists and turns that can break our hearts.”

“Sometimes love hurts because it forces us to confront our own insecurities.”

“Love may hurt, but it also has the ability to mend our broken souls.”

“Love can be a double-edged sword, inflicting both joy and pain.”

“Love endures despite the pain, reminding us of our capacity to love again.”