“I constantly feel like I’m bothering everyone.”

“I’m sorry if I’m always in the way.”

“Sometimes I think people would prefer if I just disappeared.”

“I can never seem to do anything right, and it frustrates everyone around me.”

“I apologize for being such a burden on everyone.”

“I often worry that nobody really wants me around.”

“I feel like I’m constantly imposing on others’ lives.”

“It seems like I irritate people without even trying.”

“I’m sorry if I’m too much for everyone to handle.”

“I always feel like I’m intruding on others’ happiness.”

“I’m sorry if my presence is overwhelming and annoying.”

“I can’t help but think that people are annoyed by me.”

“I feel like everyone would be better off without me.”

“I apologize if I’m always getting on everyone’s nerves.”

“I’m sorry if I’m too needy and irritating.” FATHERS DAY BIBLE QUOTES

“I often worry that I’m just a bother to everyone.”

“I feel like I’m always in the way and annoying others.”

“I apologize for being so bothersome all the time.”

“I constantly feel like I’m a nuisance to everyone around me.”

“I’m sorry if my mere presence is bothersome to others.”

“I always feel like I’m being a bother to everyone.”

“I apologize if my actions are irritating to others.”

“I’m sorry for constantly needing attention and annoying everyone.”

“I feel like I’m always overwhelming and irritating to others.”

“I apologize if I’m always being a source of annoyance.”

“I often worry that I’m just a burden to everyone around me.”

“I’m sorry if my presence is just an annoyance to others.”

“I constantly feel like I’m irritating and bothering everyone.”