“I’m not getting older, I’m just becoming a classic.” – Unknown

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain

“I’m not old, I’m a recycled teenager.” – Unknown

“The older I get, the earlier it gets late.” – Anon

“Age is not important unless you’re a cheese.” – Helen Hayes

“I’m aging like a fine wine…and I’m getting better with every pour!” – Unknown

“I’m not old, I’m chronologically gifted.” – Unknown

“You know you’re getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you’re down there.” – Unknown

“Aging gracefully is just accepting that you can’t put on your socks without making sound effects.” – Unknown

“Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.” – Walt Disney

“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever.” – Unknown

“Age is a number, but wrinkles are a roadmap! – Unknown

“Aging is just nature’s way of reminding you to take a nap.” – Unknown

“You’re not old until you can’t read what’s on free restaurant menus anymore.” – Unknown

“Aging is when you start wondering if your mind is playing tricks on your memory or if your memory is playing tricks on your mind.” – Unknown QUOTES TO MAKE YOUR EX FEEL JEALOUS

“Age is something that doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese.” – Billie Burke

“I’m not getting older, I’m just becoming a more experienced joker.” – Unknown

“I’m not aged, I’m just vintage.” – Unknown

“I’m not old, I’m a limited edition.” – Unknown

“Age is just a number, but if you start calling me by my birth year, we may have a problem.” – Unknown

“I don’t mind getting older, it’s a privilege denied to many.” – Unknown

“Aging is like underwear, it creeps up on you.” – Unknown

“Age doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese or a bottle of wine.” – Unknown

“Age may be just a number, but wrinkles tell a story.” – Unknown

“I’m aging like a fine cheese – stinky and full of character!” – Unknown

“I don’t mind aging, as long as I can still act immature sometimes.” – Unknown

“Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional… and I choose not to grow up!” – Unknown

“I’m at that age where my brain goes from ‘You only live once’ to ‘You’ve got to be careful, you live once.'” – Unknown

“I’m not aging gracefully, I’m kicking and screaming the whole way.” – Unknown