“I finally mastered multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at once!”

“I’m not a multitasker, I’m a multiprocrastinator.”

“I’m so good at multitasking, I can lose focus on multiple things at once.”

“I’m like a superhero, only my special power is being able to juggle 10 tasks and not complete any of them.”

“Multitasking is my specialty, as long as it involves avoiding the important stuff.”

“The only thing I multitask is coming up with excuses for why I haven’t finished anything.”

“I’m a multitasker, which means I can waste time and pretend to be busy at the same time.”

“I can confidently say that I haven’t mastered multitasking, but I am an expert at half-assing multiple things at once.”

“Multitasking: the art of distracting yourself from the task at hand with other tasks you also won’t complete.”

“I multitask so well, I can start a new task before finishing the one I started five minutes ago.”

“Multitasking: the ability to screw up multiple things at once.”

“I don’t always multitask, but when I do, I make sure to do it poorly.”

“They say multitasking is all about efficiency, but I prefer to call it ‘looking busy while accomplishing nothing.'” KARMA QUOTES ABOUT LOVE TAGALOG

“I’m a multitasker extraordinaire, I can simultaneously stress about everything and get nothing done.”

“Multitasking: the art of doing twice as much as you should half as well as you could.”

“My secret to multitasking? Procrastinate on one thing by pretending to work on another.”

“I’m a multitasker, which means I can ignore multiple things at once.”

“I’m so good at multitasking, I can mess up two things at the same time.”

“Multitasking is the fine art of doing too many things poorly all at once.”

“I excel at multitasking. I can handle ignoring both my responsibilities and other people simultaneously.”

“I’m a multitasker in the sense that I can start multiple things with enthusiasm and finish none of them.”

“Multitasking is just a fancy way of saying ‘I suck at focusing on one thing.'”

“I’m not just a multitasker, I’m a three-ring circus of distractions!”

“I got a degree in multitasking, but it’s mostly just a piece of paper reminding me of all the things I haven’t finished.”