“Power is not given, it is taken.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“My mistakes don’t define me, they shape me.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Success is the best revenge.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“In this game, you either rise to the top or get crushed by it.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“I refuse to be a victim of my circumstances. I’m taking control of my own destiny.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Sometimes, you have to do what’s necessary, no matter how hard it is.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Fear is just an illusion. It’s only as real as you allow it to be.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Power is not about who has the most control, it’s about who can navigate the chaos.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Money can’t buy loyalty. It has to be earned.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“When you’re backed into a corner, the only way out is through.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Survival is not a game; it’s a mindset.” – Tariq St. Patrick 5 MONTHS RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“In this world, you’re either the hunter or the hunted. And I’m not prey.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“There’s always a way to come out on top, even in the darkest of situations.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Sometimes, the hardest choices lead to the most rewarding outcomes.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Never underestimate the power of a well-executed plan.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“In the end, the only person you can truly rely on is yourself.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“Behind every successful person is a series of failures they refused to let define them.” – Tariq St. Patrick

“When the world expects the least from you, that’s when you have the most to prove.” – Tariq St. Patrick