“Your word is your bond.” – Anonymous

“A contract is an agreement between two parties that is legally enforceable.” – Unknown

“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” – Samuel Goldwyn

“Good contracts make good relationships.” – Unknown

“A contract is like a handshake, and a handshake is a promise.” – Unknown

“A contract is the framework that holds relationships together.” – Unknown

“The strength of a contract lies in the trust between the parties involved.” – Unknown

“Contracts are the backbone of society; they give structure to our interactions.” – Unknown

“Honor your contracts, and others will respect you.” – Unknown

“Nothing in this world is certain but death, taxes, and contracts.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Contracts are the foundation of business; without them, chaos would ensue.” – Unknown ANTI POSITIVE QUOTES

“A contract is a commitment to fulfill obligations, regardless of changing circumstances.” – Unknown

“Contracts ensure accountability and prevent misunderstandings.” – Unknown

“A poorly written contract is an invitation for disputes and litigation.” – Unknown

“A contract is only as good as the parties involved; integrity is key.” – Unknown

“Contracts provide clarity and define expectations.” – Unknown

“A contract is a partnership; both parties must uphold their end of the agreement.” – Unknown

“Contracts are the architecture for successful collaborations.” – Unknown

“Contracts reflect the values and ethics of the parties involved.” – Unknown

“A contract is a tool to protect the interests of both parties involved.” – Unknown

“Respect the sanctity of contracts; they represent the harmony between individuals.” – Unknown