“Merry Christmas, you beautiful tropical fish!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is about spreading joy and wearing a fabulous holiday outfit!” – Schmidt

“The holiday season is here, and I’m ready to sleigh it!” – Schmidt

“Deck the halls with Schmidtmas spirit!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is the perfect time to show off your impeccable taste in gifts, clothes, and everything else!” – Schmidt

“May your Christmas be filled with impeccable fashion choices and endless celebration!” – Schmidt

“The most wonderful time of the year? More like the most fabulous time of the year!” – Schmidt

“Santa Claus isn’t the only one making lists this Christmas. Schmidt is too!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is the perfect time to show your loved ones how much they mean to you, with carefully selected presents!” – Schmidt

“If Santa Claus needs style advice, he knows who to call – Schmidt!” – Schmidt

“Christmas: the only time of year when it’s socially acceptable to wear sequins and glitter every day!” – Schmidt MOTIVATION JANUARY INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES

“I don’t just bring the holiday cheer, I bring a whole Schmidt-storm of fabulousness!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is all about being festive, fashionable, and friggin’ awesome!” – Schmidt

“The best thing about Christmas? The excuse to wear multiple layers of chic holiday sweaters!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is the time to shine, but just remember – I’m the shiniest star on top of the tree!” – Schmidt

“This Christmas, let’s deck the halls with style and sass!” – Schmidt

“May your days be merry and Schmidt-mas-y!” – Schmidt

“Christmas is like my personal runway, and I’m here to slay every damn moment!” – Schmidt

“Tis the season to be bold, fierce, and fabulous!” – Schmidt

“Christmas should be celebrated with champagne, laughter, and a touch of Schmidt-style extravagance!” – Schmidt

“Whether it’s Christmas or any other day, always remember to be your fabulous and authentic self!” – Schmidt