“Selfish people only care about their own needs and desires.”

“Selfish users will do whatever it takes to get what they want, without considering the consequences.”

“Users who are selfish will manipulate others for their own benefit.”

“Selfishness is a breeding ground for deceit and betrayal.”

“Selfish users have no regard for the feelings or needs of others.”

“Beware of selfish users, for they will drain you of all your energy and resources.”

“Selfish people only look out for themselves, often leaving others in the dust.”

“A selfish user’s primary concern is always themselves, no matter who they hurt along the way.”

“Selfish users will take advantage of anyone who offers them something they want.”

“Selfishness is a contagious disease that spreads like wildfire in the hearts of users.”

“Users who are selfish can never be truly trusted.”

“Selfish people may pretend to care, but their actions always reveal their true intentions.”

“Selfish users see others as mere stepping stones on their path to success.”

“Users driven by selfishness have no sense of loyalty or commitment.”

“Selfishness breeds dissatisfaction, as the desires of users are insatiable.” FUNNY OLD PERSON QUOTES

“A selfish user will never be satisfied, always craving more and more.”

“Selfish individuals are blind to the needs of others, too consumed by their own wants.”

“Selfish users are like black holes, constantly sucking up everything in their path.”

“Users who prioritize themselves over others will always leave a trail of broken relationships behind them.”

“Selfishness is a poison that slowly destroys the character of users.”

“Selfish individuals lack empathy and fail to comprehend the impact of their actions on others.”

“Selfish users will always play the victim to evade responsibility for their selfish behavior.”

“Users who are selfish only see value in others if they can be used for their personal gain.”

“Selfish people may succeed in the short term, but they eventually find themselves surrounded by emptiness and loneliness.”

“Selfishness is the antithesis of kindness and compassion.”

“Users who prioritize their own happiness above all else will inevitably leave a trail of unhappiness in their wake.”

“Selfish individuals are blind to the beauty of selflessness and the joy it brings.”

“Selfish users are stuck in a never-ending cycle of seeking validation, always hungry for more.”

“Users driven by selfishness repel genuine connections, as they are incapable of offering anything beyond their own self-interest.”