“She remembered who she was, and the game changed.” – Lalah Delia

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand

“A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else.” – Unknown

“Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they’re in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Be the kind of woman that makes other women want to up their game.” – Unknown

“I am a woman. What’s your superpower?” – Unknown

“You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.” – Melissa Etheridge

“A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.” – Gina Carey

“A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful. She is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.” – Unknown

“The strongest actions for a woman are to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could.” – Unknown

“Strong women don’t have attitudes; they have standards.” – Unknown

“She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared, but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.” – Atticus

“She believed she could, so she did.” – Unknown

“Strong women don’t play victim, don’t make themselves look pitiful, and don’t point fingers. They stand and they deal.” – Unknown TREATING CUSTOMERS LIKE FAMILY QUOTES

“The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will.” – Amy Tenney

“A strong woman can handle anything life throws at her. Sometimes she just needs a day where she can collapse and let someone else take care of her.” – Unknown

“Strong is the new beautiful.” – Unknown

“She’s a mess of gorgeous chaos, and you can see it in her eyes.” – Unknown

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” – Unknown

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“I am my own hero.” – Unknown

“She needed a hero, so that’s what she became.” – Unknown

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” – Estée Lauder

“A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for everyone else.” – Unknown

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” – Unknown

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich