“Infidelity is like a knife that cuts deep into the heart, leaving wounds that are slow to heal.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a glass, once broken it can never be fully repaired.” – Unknown

“Cheating is a choice, not a mistake.” – Unknown

“The pain of betrayal is incomparable; it feels like your world has crumbled beneath your feet.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on lies and deceit will never stand the test of time.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is the ultimate form of disrespect.” – Unknown

“Once trust is broken, it’s hard to ever fully trust again.” – Unknown

“The scars left by infidelity are both visible and invisible; they haunt your heart and soul.” – Unknown

“I never thought that the person I vowed to love and cherish would be the one to hurt me the most.” – Unknown

“Cheating is not a mistake, it’s a deliberate choice to break a sacred promise.” – Unknown

“There is no greater pain than discovering that the person who promised to love you forever has betrayed your trust.” – Unknown

“Cheating doesn’t just destroy a relationship; it destroys the person who trusted and loved wholeheartedly.” – Unknown SHORT FUNNY QUOTES ABOUT LOVE AND LIFE

“Trust is like a mirror, once shattered it can never be whole again.” – Unknown

“The person who cheated may seek forgiveness, but the scars of betrayal will forever remain.” – Unknown

“Cheating is never a solution, it’s a coward’s way of avoiding the real issues in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a heavy burden to bear; it leaves you feeling lost and broken.” – Unknown

“It takes immense strength to forgive, but even greater strength to move on.” – Unknown

“Cheating is a choice, and I choose to walk away from this toxic relationship.” – Unknown

“Love should never be a reason to hurt someone; it should be the foundation for trust and respect.” – Unknown

“Infidelity is a fire that consumes everything in its path, leaving only ashes of what once was.” – Unknown

“Broken trust is like a shattered mirror; the image will never be the same again.” – Unknown

“The road to healing is long and difficult, but finding the strength to love and trust again is possible.” – Unknown