“I’d love to see the world, but I’m just too busy working nine to wine.”

“Work hard so you can buy all the things you don’t have time to enjoy.”

“I pretend to work because they pretend to pay me.”

“I have a workday routine: coffee, procrastination, more coffee.”

“I always give 100% at work: 10% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 35% on Wednesday…”

“I love work, it’s the hardest thing I never want to do.”

“Work hard, nap harder.”

“My job is like a huge coffee – it’s the only thing that gets me through the day.”

“I’m not lazy, I’m just highly motivated to do nothing.”

“The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary… and maybe in a well-executed bribe.”

“Work hard so you can count the days until your next vacation.”

“I could tell you what great things I can accomplish in a workday, but I don’t want to lie.”

“Coffee: Because adulting is hard.” ART OF LIVING QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“I don’t love my job, but hey, it pays the bills…sometimes.”

“Work: the fine art of balancing caffeine consumption with the fear of public speaking.”

“If working hard and smart is the key to success, I must be a genius for finding ways to avoid both.”

“I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”

“Do I love my job? No, but it’s a great cover for my drinking habit.”

“The only thing I’m working hard at is trying to look like I’m working hard.”

“If sarcasm burned calories, I’d be a fitness model by now.”

“Don’t count the days until Friday, make every day feel like Friday.”

“I don’t need therapy, I just need a five-second break from my job every hour.”

“Work would be so much more enjoyable if instead of meetings, we had margarita breaks.”

“Whenever I accomplish something at work, I take a moment to celebrate with a cookie. Then I realize there are more tasks waiting for me and I regret my cookie decision.”

“If Cinderella’s shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off? She probably had a long workday and her feet were swollen.”