“I refuse to let anyone have power over my emotions and well-being ever again.”

“I am stronger than any pain that someone may try to inflict on me.”

“I will protect myself and surround myself with people who genuinely care.”

“No one can break me, because I am unbreakable.”

“My past does not define me, and it will not dictate my future.”

“I refuse to let the actions of others tarnish my ability to trust and love.”

“I am the only one who has control over my happiness and peace.”

“I will rise above the hurt and become a better version of myself.”

“I am worthy of respect, and I will not tolerate anything less.”

“I choose to forgive, but I will never forget the lessons learned.”

“I am my own protector and advocate.”

“I will never allow someone’s negativity to dim my light.”

“I will not let the shadows of my past cast darkness on my future.”

“My worth is not determined by how others treat me.” DRINKING AND DRIVING QUOTES SAD

“Every day, I am getting stronger and wiser.”

“I will build walls around my heart, but I will also keep a door open for genuine love and happiness.”

“I am deserving of a healthy and loving relationship.”

“No one has the power to shatter my spirit.”

“I will not let anyone put limitations on my dreams and aspirations.”

“I choose to focus on my own healing rather than seeking revenge.”

“I will use my pain as fuel to become a better person.”

“I am in control of my own happiness, not someone else.”

“I refuse to allow the actions of one person to define my trust in humanity.”

“I will embrace the beauty of vulnerability and openness without fear.”

“My strength lies within me, not in the hands of others.”

“I am committed to my own well-being and will not allow anyone to tamper with it.”